Welcome to the Genesee Valley Hiking Club

We are a volunteer organization; leading hikes since 1928

hikers hiking


Arthur Parker

Arthur was an American archaeologist, historian, folklorist, museologist, author and authority on Native American Indian culture. Parker was of cross British and Seneca Indian descent.

Growing up, Dr. Parker loved walking and exploring the outdoors. Anne also loved the outdoors and was an avid swimmer. He and his wife Anne organized hikes and scouting to explore the woods as well as writing extensively about his discoveries.

Arthur believed that the way to understanding each other’s cultures was through study and exploration. As he conducted expeditions to historical sites and recorded his findings, he contemplated the demands of civilization and how it left little time for outside exploration and education of nature. They spent their retirement years in their home overlooking Canandaigua Lake from where they spent much of their time exploring the outdoors.

Together Arthur and Anne founded the Genesee Valley Hiking Club (1928) and the Seneca Hiking Club.

The Arthur Caswell Parker Papers are located at the River Campus Libraries at the University of Rochester.

In Memoriam

In memoriam to GVHC President Dick Rappenecker

Greeting to all of our members.
Our past-president, Dick Rappenecker passed away in 2019.
Dick was President of the Genesee Valley Hiking Club. He worked at St Anne's Community for 37 years.
In his relax times, he loved music and playing the guitar.
We remember him as a friendly, genial person who loved to hike.
He is sorely missed and well remembered by his many friends and co-hikers at GVHC.

In 2020, the GVHC will be installing a bench on the Channing Philbrick trail in his memory. Look for it later this summer. Take a break and enjoy the beauty of the trail that Dick loved.
The Executive Committee suggests, if you are so moved, a contribution in his name to the American Cancer Society or to GVHC (see the 'Join Us' page).

Tribute to Dick Rappenecker